Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Christianity Islam Judaism - Even Their God is a Non Believer

Today, Feb. 8, 2006, French President Jacques Chirac accused newspapers printing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad of “provocation”, after yet another French publication put the contentious caricature on its pages. President Chirac said, “Anything that can hurt the convictions of another, particularly religious convictions, must be avoided. Freedom of expression must be exercised in a spirit of responsibility.” A conviction is a strong belief in the truth of their religion, a strong belief that their Holy Bible is the absolute truth, the Word of God Himself.

The Old Testament is the Holy Bible of Judaism. The Old Testament plus the New Testament is the Holy Bible of Christianity. The Old Testament plus the New Testament plus the Koran is the Holy Bible of Islam. To blaspheme is to say that the Holy Bible is wrong, false, untrue, not the Word of God. Galileo was a blasphemer. Galileo had a telescope. Galileo said that the Earth was moving even though the Holy Bible says three times that the Earth does not move and it never will. For his blasphemy Galileo was imprisoned for years by the infallible incapable of error Pope. The Pope would have executed Galileo for his blasphemy which was a capital offense but the two men were friends. The biggest blasphemer is your God, right in your Holy Bibles. As you can see with Galileo, blasphemy is often true.

To listen to the Televangelists, it would seem that there is a complete consensus that every word in the Holy Bible is true, the absolute truth word from God. Our telescopes to see what is going on here is our Bible scholars. The Bible scholars of Judaism, Christianity and Islam will all tell you the same thing. God of Mount Sinai, aka God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Allah, Elohim and Adonai carved the 10 commandments in stone Himself and gave them to Moses in 1200 BC. Moses died in 1200 BC. The first book of the Old Testament, Genesis was begun in 800 BC and the first 5 books of the Old Testament were edited, added to and deleted from and finally completed in 400 BC. The New Testament was begun in 100 AD, 70 years after the death of Jesus. It was edited, added to and deleted from for 225 years until its completion in 325 AD, where the Church Fathers elected Jesus God, because in the New Testament Jesus says that he is God and he is not God. The Prophet Muhammad could not read or write. The Koran was begun decades after his death. The Koran was an attempt to correct, straighten out the Old and the New Testament. We know that the Old Testament was written by the Priests and the Prophets of the time. We even know their names. They wrote laws and stories and dialogues and commandments and they signed them “said God”, “said Moses”, “said Abraham”, “said Adam”, “said Eve”, “said the snake”, etc.

Other Biblical Prophets watched as the Bible Writers took the name of God in vain for their own commandments and they railed against this sin right in your Holy Bible endlessly. God said of the Bible writing Priests and Prophets, "They say, 'Says the Lord', when the Lord has not sent them." Your God of Mount Sinai called your Holy Bible writers forgers of His will. (Ezekiel 13:1-22). God said of the Bible writing Priests and Prophets, "You Prophesy by Baal, Beelzebub, Satan!" (Jeremiah 2:8). According to the accurate translation of the Hebrew Tanach, the Old Testament, God said of the scribes, the bible writers: "They reel with wine and stagger with strong drink; the priest and the prophet are confused with wine, they err in vision, they stumble in giving judgment. All tables (God’s 2 stone tablets) are covered with filthy vomit; no place is clean." God accused your bible writers of being ignorant drunks leading you all into disaster by covering His Word, his 2 stone tables, with their filthy vomit, your Holy Bible. (Isaiah 28:7-15). God of Mount Sinai said in the Tanach that your Holy Bible writers wrote "commandment upon commandment, line upon line, here a little, there a little; in order that we all may go and fall backwards and be broken and ensnared and taken." (Isaiah 28:13). God called the Old Testament other than the 2 tablets, "feces". God cursed the bible writers and their offspring and vowed to spread the feces on their faces! (Malachi 2:1-3). God called his covenant with Moses, Levi, the 10 commandments the "Truth".

Jesus Christ was the Jewish born Rabbi, the Messiah of Christianity and Islam. His job was to purify the 613 commandments in the Old Testament down to God’s 10. Jesus said that when he returned he would command his angels to bring God’s 2 tablets into God’s Temple and gather up the Holy Bibles and throw them into the fire and burn them. (Matt. 13:24-30 KJV). Jesus Christ said that the Prophet Isaiah was right when God said through Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 29:13, "Full well you reject the commandments of God, that you may keep your own traditions. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Mark 7:6-9 K.J.V.). Jesus called the extra 603 commandments forgeries of men signed “God”, and "heavy burdens grievous to be borne placed on men’s shoulders by the scribes (bible writers) and Pharisees.” (Matthew 23:1-4). In Matthew 23 Jesus launches into an absolute diatribe, calling the bible writers venomous snakes spewing their deadly poison into your bibles which poison would lead you all into the fire.

Have you heard of 911? Why did it happen? Well, the Muslim men who flew the 2 airplanes into the two twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, honestly believed that they did it on the orders of your God of Mount Sinai, who commands them in the Koran to "Make War on the Jews and the Christians." Furthermore, these Muslim men also honestly believed to the depths of their souls that the moment they hit the towers, they would wake up in Heavenly Eternal Paradise with God of Mount Sinai, 72 Virgins, and Wine with no side effects because they read this in a book - that this would be their reward from God of Mount Sinai for Making War on the Christians and Jews. (Koran, Chapter, Sura, 9:29-30, and Chapter 56, Mecca). The Old and the New Testament also have countless such commandments, like in Psalm 2, where God tells the Messiah to break the Heathen (King James Version), the Non Believers, like pottery with a rod of iron into millions of pieces. Unfortunately Psalm 2 and the entire Old Testament has now been adopted by all 3 religions who now believe that all non group members, every man, woman, and child, are the Heathen who God of Mount Sinai wants pulverized, who God wants them to pulverize, for great eternal rewards.

In retaliation for 911, the President of the United States publicly announced to the World that he was launching a Crusade. As every Muslim person knows, the Crusades were a thousand years ago when the Pope led his Christian army across Europe, massacring every Jew in their way, reclaiming the Holy Land, until the Christian soldiers stood knee deep in Muslim blood in Jerusalem. So far the President of the United States has conquered Afghanistan and Iraq, and he is now threatening Syria and Iran. According to the scribes, the bible Writers, Jesus said that when he returned he would command his Christian Angels to throw every last Non-Christian man, woman, and child into the fire and massacre every last one of them because they all were Devils, all 4 billion of them on Earth today. (Matthew 13:36-43).

The Christian and Muslim and Jewish children of God of Mount Sinai following these scripts, these bibles, are presently engaged in the beginning of Nuclear World War III against each other. Every nuclear scientist knows that nuclear world war III will have no survivors. Albert Einstein, Dwight David Eisenhower and John Fitzgerald Kennedy all said, "The only way to win World War III is to prevent it." This statement is infinitely more true today. Our only hope of survival is to make World Peace. As long as there is Christianity, Islam and Judaism there will never be peace on Earth. The Temple of Love is the only solution for World Peace. Only The Temple of Love makes peace among and unites Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Everyone else. The Temple of Love works because we follow your own God's map to Peace on Earth forever.

Today, Feb. 8, 2,006, French President Jacques Chirac accused newspapers printing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad of “provocation”, after yet another French publication put the contentious caricature on its pages. President Chirac said, “Anything that can hurt the convictions of another, particularly religious convictions, must be avoided. Freedom of expression must be exercised in a spirit of responsibility.” A conviction is a strong belief in the truth of their religion, a strong belief that their Holy Bible is the absolute truth, the Word of God Himself. The burying your head in the sand approach so that people cannot see you may work for ostriches but it will never work for human beings. Only the truth will set you free. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are now leading us all into the Apocalypse and extinction, and even their God is a non believer in these 3 religions, as He says endlessly right in your holy bibles over and over again. If your own God does not believe in your religion then why do you? The Religion that your God does believe in that will prevent your extinction in the near future is The Temple of Love, The World Peace Religion of your God of Mount Sinai. See you there.

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