Rabu, 26 November 2014

Story of Prophet Ya'qub as

Prophet Ya'qub 'peace be upon him is one of the prophets. He is the son of Ishaq ibn Ibrahim 'alahimas greetings. Birth Jacob has been submitted by guests of Abraham which consists of several angels of his wife Sarah. Subhaanahu Allah Almighty says,

"So we tell him good news about the (birth) of Isaac, and of Isaac (to be born son) Jacob. "(QS. Hud: 71)

The story of Prophet Ya'qub length will be told along with the story of Joseph, God willing. Therefore, the story mentioned here is only limited introductory course.

Prophet Ya'qub from childhood to adulthood grow by getting the attention of Allah and His mercy. Therefore, he was walking on the street life of his father and grandfather. Prophet Jacob had twelve children that God calls them as Asbath (descendants of Jacob). Of his wife named Rahiil born the Prophet Joseph 'peace be upon him and Bunyamin. And of his wife who called Laya was born Ruubil, Syam'un, Laawi, Yahuudza, Isaakhar and Zabilon.

Of slaves belonging to Rahiil born Daan and Naftaali, and of slaves belonging to Layaa born Jaad and Asyir.

Among children, the highest position, the most cautious and most clean of heart, in addition to the youngest was Joseph 'peace be upon him. Hence the Prophet Ya'qub give more attention and affection to him. This is already a character, which is very dear father to the youngest children until he was an adult and the sick until he recovered.

Prophet Ya'qub is an exemplary father, where he educated his children with a good education, advising them and solve their problems. But then, Joseph's brothers instigated by Satan to be mean to Joseph when they learned of his father's attention to Joseph. To the extent that they were going to kill him, but then most of them propose to throw Joseph into wells that much that was brought by caravans passing and become their slave. When Joseph came home, the Prophet Ya'qub grieve with anguish because of parting with his son, even he to suffer from blindness due to grief so deep. Then Allah Almighty make Subhaanahu can look back.

After a long time passed, Prophet Ya'qub 'peace be upon him was sick, he collected his children and told them to keep Subhaanahu worship God Almighty, as well as keep the faith and do righteous deeds. Allah the Exalted says:

"Are you present when Jacob arrival (signs of) death, when he said to his sons," What will you worship after me? "They replied," We will worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac , (ie) God Almighty and we are Muslims submitted to Him. "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 133)

Done with the help of God and His taufiq, sallallaahu wa 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad wa' alaa aalihi shahbihi wa wa sallam.

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