he police, government officials and the leaders from within the Moslem community, as always which was expected after these most recent failed horrific terrorist attacks are coming out onto our TV screens saying “Islam is a Religion of Peace”, that these terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Islam.
The central figure within Islam who all Moslems look towards as their example to follow is the false prophet Mohamed. Mohamed founded the Religion Islam upon War & Conquest of lands and commands his followers to do the same when living in non-Islamic societies.
Exactly what Osama Bin Laden is commanding in this modern age!
The Koran teaches that Islam is a Superior way of Life and that all other ways of life are inferior, meaningless and obsolete because Islam is god’s perfect way for mankind. The Koran also teaches that Moslems must subdue the whole Earth under the Islamic way of life – Sharia law. Moslems have to fulfil Islam’s aims and objectives by the Word, meaning the preaching of Islam to the non-Moslem world and by the Sword, meaning forcing Islam upon the non-Moslem world through War.
These are the two faces of Islam, the blood thirsty violent military side seeking to force the non-Moslem world under its dominance through war and the peaceful, so called moderate side seeking to convert the non-Moslem world through the preaching of the Word.
The two voices of the Islamic Kingdom both working together to fulfil Islam’s ultimate goal which is laid down in the Koran which is to convert and subdue the whole world under Islamic rule – Sharia law – through the Caliphate.
When terrorist attacks happen it gives both Islamic voices the platform to assert their dominance upon the world. The military side seeking to scare and intimidate us into Dhimmitude through fear showing us what horror they are capable of on their Koranic mission for Allah, and the moderate side showing the world that they are good peaceful human beings and Moslem.
An ideal way of placing Islam in the human mind!
If you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace then all I say too you is look at the leadership and way of life in Saudi Arabia, look at the leadership of the Islamic Nation of Iran, look at what used to happen in Islamic Afghanistan under the Taliban, look at Iraq under the leadership of Saddam Hussein and look at Pakistan. These are a few of the Islamic ruled Nations upon the Earth that we look towards as our examples, and in my opinion, based on the facts, they are far from peaceful non-violent countries. The conduct of these Nations leadership’s, and their Moslem citizens is barbaric and savage, so how on Earth can Moslems proclaim that Islam is a religion of Peace when this is the conduct of Moslems in Islamic ruled Nations?
Moslems in Great Britain at this moment in time are ‘peaceful’ because they are living in our Judeo/Christian society under our civilized progressive way of life, with our societal structures in place and are in the minority. Do you honestly think that once their numbers double or triple and they start trying to force their Islamic way of life upon our society more than they are already, that they are still going to be peaceful?
I will say again, all Moslems ultimately want to live under Sharia Law which is the Islamic way of life and we have a 3 million strong force of them in our country. Islam teaches that all other ways of life are inferior to Islamic life and that all Moslems ‘must’ as a religious obligation which is called ‘Jihad’, work towards enforcing Islam as the ultimate rule upon all mankind.
The Word and the Sword go hand in hand so please ignore the lies that “Islam is a Religion of Peace” each Moslem is playing their part to convert you and your way of life into Islamic rule, it is a divine obligation to them as much as it is for me as a Christian to share my faith with you, the only difference is that I will not kill you trying to enforce my faith upon you.
My God is Love not peace through fear and oppression.
Islam means submission to Allah; it is Islam’s agenda laid down in the Koran, to force all mankind into submission to Allah – You cannot escape this fact!!
There is upwards of 3 million Moslems in this country so our leaders have absolutely no choice but to buy into this lie of “Islam is a Religion of Peace”, if they did not, what would the consequence be?
Think about that one!
We are all being duped and made to sleep walk through lies into the hands of Islam because in 20 years the Islamic Kingdom within Great Britain will be the majority and the indigenous British population a minority. If we buy the lie now that Islam is a ‘Religion of Peace’ then in 20 years Islam within Great Britain will have achieved its aims of taking over our country and our way of life and enforcing an Islamic one upon the Nation peacefully through the Word.
The Islamic terrorist’s rock this boat and silent agenda though, because when they attack us in such a horrific manner it wakes the British people up and forces them to start questioning who their Islamic guests are that they have living along side of them in their country that they know absolutely nothing about!!
Then the liars come out on TV to tell the masses of gullible British sheep people who know absolutely nothing about Islam that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”.
They then tuck the gullible British sheep people back into their beds, talking sweet things into their ears which sends them back off to sleep into their false bubble of ‘peace and security’, until the next time the nightmarish murderous Islamic monster arises killing innocent British citizens. Then they wake up again from their sleep; take a little look around, ask a few questions and then the whole process of sending them back of to sleep again starts all over.
Manipulation of the masses of gullible British sheep people that our British non-Moslem children will have too face the full consequences of.
The blood thirsty Islamic Beast is well and truly here within our midst, with its ultimate agenda which is laid down in the Koran and the innocent people of Great Britain should be made aware of the future consequences before it is too late.
We are all walking towards the future and only have to look at the truth in our present reality to see what is heading our way.
Sleep well in your false bubble of ‘peace and security’.
Source : http://lionheartuk.blogspot.com/2007/07/shhhhsleep-sleep-sleepislam-is-religion.html
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